Who Should Get A Cataract Surgery?

by allurewellness
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Many people ignore symptoms of cataracts since it has minor effect on their vision and starts out very small. A person who is starting to have a cataract may notice that their vision start to become blur than usual, as if looking through an cloudy glass or a cloudy glass. They may also find sunlight too bright, or see glare when looking at oncoming headlights when driving at night. Another indication that you have cataract is when colors no longer look as bright as before. The moment you experience any of these symptoms, do not hesitate to visit your eye doctor so you can inquire whether you are qualified for a cataract surgery or not.

There are three different types of cataracts. It includes the following:

  • Nuclear cataract – this cataractforms deep in the nucleus or central zone of the lens, and is usually due to aging. During the early stage of this cataract, it can bring temporary improvement in your near vision. This condition is also known as a second sight.

  • Subcapsular cataract– this type of cataract occurs at the back of the patient’s lens. Those who have diabetes or taking high doses of steroid for medications are at greater risk of developing a subcapsular cataract. Patients with this type of cataract may have a hard time knowing that they have this condition since it does not produce any symptoms until it is well developed.

  • Cortical cataract – cortical cataract is characterized by white, wedge-like opacities. It starts in the periphery of your lens and then works its way to the center. Cortical cataract occurs in the lens cortex – a part of the lens that is surrounding the central nucleus.

Most cataracts form due to oxidative changes in a human lens. According to nutrition studies, fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants can help prevent cataracts from developing or developing. The lens inside our eyes work like camera lens – it focuses light onto the retina for clear vision. This same lens adjusts our eye’s focus, allowing us to see things clearly both far away and up close. It is mostly made of water and protein. The protein works in a precise way that lets light pass through it and keeps the lens clear. However, once we age, protein can clump together, causing a cloud to form in the lens. This is when a cataract starts to form. When not given the proper medical attention it needs, the opacity becomes worse, making it harder to see.

Aside from aging, here are other factors that causes cataracts to form and develop:

  • Prolonged use of corticosteroid medications

  • Statin medicines that are used to reduce cholesterol

  • Previous eye inflammation, injury, or surgery

  • Hormone replacement therapy

  • Ultraviolet radiation from different sources like sunlight

  • Diabetes

  • Family history

  • Hypertension

  • Obesity

  • Smoking

  • Significant or excessive alcohol consumption

  • High myopia

While cataract surgery can help treat this eye condition, you can also prevent it. In a ten-year long study conducted by women health professionals, they have discovered that higher dietary intakes of the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin and vitamin E from supplements and food helps to significantly decrease risks of cataract. There are many food with vitamin E, including spinach, kale,almonds, spinach, and other vegetables.

It is also needed to wear protective sunglasses to reduce your complications of cataracts. If possible, use an eyewear that can block 100 percent of the sun’s UV rays.

If you are still searching for an eye specialist in Singapore, look no further than Atlas Eye. Visit their website now for more details.

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