Minimally Invasive Surgery: What to Ask Your Doctor

by allurewellness
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The advanced surgical procedure that uses small incision where small cameras with fiber optic flashlights and microscopes are inserted is called minimally invasive surgery or MIS.

Minimally invasive surgery has become the treatment option of many patients today since it comes with many incomparable benefits.

Some of the peerless benefits include:

  • Less scarring
  • Shorter period of recovery
  • Enhanced safety
  • Reduced hospital stay
  • Lower risk of infection

Since minimally invasive surgery is considered relatively new compared to the traditional open surgery, not many are already familiar with the procedure.

For those who are candidates for minimally invasive surgery, it is important that all the key questions are covered before the surgery is carried out.

The following key questions should be included in your list:

What needs to be done before the surgery?

Check with the doctor regarding any preparations that need to be done a few hours or a day before the scheduled operation.

Consider it important to also ask if there are any eating restrictions you should follow the night before the surgery.

As a general rule of thumb, make sure you know and understand what you can or cannot do.

What occurs during a minimally invasive procedure?

For those who have no idea about the basics, let alone the specifics, it is a must to seek enlightenment from the surgeon.

Ask where the incisions or ports will be and how many will likely be needed in your case.

You can also ask about the number of hours the operation will take.

What will happen if the need to resort to open surgery arises?

In some instances, a surgeon may need to perform conventional open surgery while doing a minimally invasive procedure.

Inquire with your surgeon if that is a possibility in your case.

Also, check about the likely side effects if it happens and the possible impact it will have on your length of recovery.

What are the likely side effects of a minimally invasive procedure?

Oftentimes, patients will experience pain after the procedure.

However, when it comes to minimally invasive ones, it might not occur where you expect it.

Bear in mind that incisions in minimally invasive procedures may be far from the site of the surgery.

In line with this, check with your surgeon where you are likely to feel discomfort, how severe it will be, and how long it will likely last.

How long will be the recovery period?

While there are minimally invasive procedures that are performed on an outpatient basis, others are not.

To play safe, inquire about the expected recovery period so you will have a realistic idea in terms of the recuperation period.

Check also if physical therapy will be required after the procedure.

What medications will be needed?

It is very likely that painkillers will be prescribed after the surgery.

Check with your surgeon for any side effects.

Also, make sure to let the doctor know if you are taking any supplements or medications or if you currently have maintenance meds.

Also, get advice on what you need to do in case the pain medications you are given will not provide the relief you need.

What are the likely aftercare procedures that need to be observed?

At home, you need to know how to properly case for the incisions so infections are kept at bay.

Ensure that you understand and follow all the instructions you are given.

Make sure you also know the signs of infections and complications to look out for so you will know when you need to visit the doctor again.

What do you need to do while recovering?

Ask your doctor if you need to make a follow-up appointment and how often you’re likely need to.

Inquire if you’ll also be needing additional surgery in the near future.

If minimally invasive surgery for an orthopaedic condition is something you are looking into, please visit for guidance.


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