Cataracts commence to develop once the lens inside the eye has started to become cloudy. This happens to our eyes naturally as we get older. However, even young people may also develop this condition because of other medical conditions. Some examples are having diabetes or any other inflammatory conditions. If you have previous eye injury or uveitis inflammation, you may develop cataracts at a younger age. To know whether you have this condition or not, below are some signs that you have a cataract:
• Clouded, blurry or dim vision
• Increasing difficulty with vision at night
• Sensitivity to light and glare
• Need for brighter light for reading and other activities
• Seeing “halos” around lights
• Frequent changes in eyeglass or contact lens prescription
• Fading or yellowing of colors
• Double vision in a single eye
During the early period of cataract, clouding from the lens is mild, symptoms maybe unnoticeable. Since cataract advance slowly, you may not even be aware that you have this eye problem. As the cataract advances, it clouds a greater part of your lens and begins to obstruct the light passing through it. Patient will now notice obvious vision loss. If you notice any modifications in your vision, be it due to cataract or not, don’t hesitate to have your eyes scheduled for an eye exam.
What may cause cataracts?
As mentioned above, most cataracts develop whenever we age. Some people may be at bigger risks of acquiring cataracts earlier because of medical problems such as diabetes or consumption of certain medication example steroids. Cataracts could also develop earlier due to past trauma to the eye or eye surgery.
Thankfully, with advancement in technology, cataract can now be treated through keyhole cataract surgery. It is probably the most common surgical treatments performed today.
One great way to prevent any risks post cataract surgery complication is by choosing a reliable eye care service provider. If you’re on the lookout for a clinic that offers quality cataract surgery, check out the most recommended eye care centers below:
Atlas Eye – Visit Atlas Eye if you would like get high-quality and evidence-based cataract surgery services at affordable rates. This Singapore-based ophthalmology specialist centre is famous in the nation for harnessing the benefits of the latest techniques and technology to offer optimal results to patients who need eye health improvement or rehabilitation. Their well-trained staffs deliver quality services and help you achieve optimal leads to every examination, treatment and surgery. Rely on Atlas Eye for advanced cataract surgery, childhood eye treatment, glaucoma treatment, refractive surgery, or diabetic treatment. Check out their site to schedule an appointment today.
Singapore National Eye Center- The team of personnel at Singapore National Eye Center comprises of knowledgeable refractive surgeons, technicians, as well as surgery nurses. Their center delivers an array of comprehensive eye health services, which includes LASIK, Relex Smile and also cataract surgery. Other services easily obtainable in their centre are Advanced Surface Ablation (ASA) and Implantable Contact Lens (ICL). Contact their eye care center for more information.
Eye Max Centre – for top-quality eye care services or eye examination, be sure to visit Eye Max Centre. This eye expert centre in Singapore is renowned for offering treatments for several eye diseases. You can visit their centre in case you require assistance with cataract problems, general eye illnesses, cornea transplant, cornea problems, or retinal disease treatment.
Consider getting cataract surgery to reduce your dependence on using contact lenses or prescription glasses? Get in touch with Atlas Eye today to learn more about how their cataract surgery can help you.