

Turning the Spotlight on Skin Cancer

Do you know how skin cancer can be spotted? Don’t let skin cancer sneak up on you. Although you can’t see all the sun damage on your skin, inspecting the areas you can see is vital–before it’s too late. Otherwise you might regret it.

Fortunately, many skincare experts and dermatologists (dokter kecantikan) have shared valuable information on how skin cancer can be spotted. Below are some of the key information you need to keep in mind:

Can you spot cancer of the skin?

Anyone can get skin cancer regardless of colour or race. However, certain types of skin are believed to be more susceptible to the condition compared to others. Fortunately, skin cancer can be highly treatable especially when detected (and treated) early.

For the uninitiated, below are the different types of skin cancer:

Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma are considered two of the most common types of skin cancer. They are also classified as non-melanoma skin cancers.

Both types of skin cancer often develop within the skin’s top layer. They can also be evident on other areas of the body especially the areas that are often exposed to the sun. In addition, these cancer types can also develop on the scalp, face, ears, and neck.

Basal cell carcinoma often appears as a whitish bump. Squamous cell carcinoma on the other hand often appears as a rough, swollen, or scaly patch. Squamous cell carcinoma can also manifest as a bleeding and ulcerated bump.

While non-melanoma skin cancers don’t spread fast, they can lead to disfigurement when left untreated. Researchers estimate that in 2012 alone, 3.3 million people in the United States were diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer, including basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

If you see anything shifting, swelling, or bleeding on your face, see a board-certified dermatologist as soon as possible. If anything, skin cancer can be highly curable given that it’s diagnosed early and treated accordingly.


This is skin cancer’s most deadly type. Every day, nearly 20 Americans die of melanoma. This type of skin cancer can also appear suddenly and without warning. However, in some cases, melanoma can also develop from or near an existing mole.

While melanomas can develop anywhere in the body, it typically manifests around the areas in the neck, head, torso, upper torso, and the lower legs. Melanomas can easily spread to the lymph nodes and the internal organs. That being said, early detection of melanomas is crucial so it can be addressed properly.

If you notice any see swelling or bleeding on your face, consider it best to visit a board certified dermatologist immediately. Fresh and rapid growing moles are often early warning signs of melanoma and should be looked into by a dermatologist as soon as possible. The good news is melanoma is highly treatable given that it’s detected early and treated properly.

The American Academy of Dermatology suggests that everyone studies the ABCDs of melanoma to help them detect melanomas early.

A stands for asymmetry: one half of the mole does not suit the other half.

B stands border irregularity: the edges are ragged, stitched, or blurred.

C stands for color: this can vary from region to region.

D stands for diameter: while melanomas are usually larger than 6mm when diagnosed (the size of a pencil eraser), they can also be smaller.

For more information on the diagnosis and prevention of skin cancer or if you want to find a free skin cancer test in your area, visit the nearest dermatological clinic and consult a skincare specialist (dokter kecantikan) or dermatologist.

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