

Understandably, it can be very confusing to figure out the dental procedure that’s best for you on your own. Regardless if you lost a tooth or several, it is crucial that you are able to understand all the long-term options you have available, including dental prosthesis, for your missing or multiple teeth.

Of course, you can read a pamphlet from the dental provider’s office, check with a friend for recommendations, or do some online research. However, unless you check with your dental office, you won’t be able to figure things out on your own.

Case in point: you’ve likely heard of dental implants, mini-dental implants, or dentures. While both are considered more superior choices compared to dentures or bridges, how do you know if mini dental implants are the best option for your case?

While a great option for many people, not everyone knows what mini dental implants really are and how they differ from the traditional dental implants. That being said, it is also no surprise that many myths and misconceptions abound about mini dental implants, dentist, denture, tooth, and abutments nowadays.

Mini Dental Implants Myths and Facts

If you’re a candidate for mini dental implants and would like to know more about them, it would be a good idea to educate yourself on the most common myths about mini dental implants and the truths behind them:


If you are not considered a good candidate for traditional dental implants or teeth, you can’t get mini dental implants.


In some cases, even individuals who are not considered good candidates for conventional dental implants can still get great results from mini dental implants.

For instance, someone who does not have ample bone thickness to support a couple of large implants can have a structurally superior solution with an evenly distributed 4 to 6 mini dental implants.

Not only that, since a very small pilot bit is used to create the opening for the implant so it can be threaded into the bone, even those infirm or elderly patients can benefit from this quick and straightforward procedure.


Getting back to your normal routine can take a long time after getting mini dental implants.


Thanks to advances in technology and dentistry, interruption to one’s normal routine after a mini dental procedure is now minimal. Mini dental implants can be used right away. That means, you can also continue with your normal everyday routine right after the procedure.

Conventional implants, on the other hand, will require a longer time and are deemed a more complex surgery. In fact, several months will be needed just to ensure the implant fuses with the bone and the surgical site heals completely before the crown is placed.


Mini dental implants will feel awkward in your mouth.


Undeniably, one of the best upsides of mini dental implants is they are designed to look, feel, and function just like the natural teeth. In addition, they are also kinder and have less impact on the bone and gum tissues. This makes mini dental implants ideal for most people including the elderly who oftentimes are not qualified to get traditional dental implants.


Mini dental implants are very expensive.


Since mini dental implants are smaller, the procedure for denture is quicker, less invasive, and yes, more affordable. While the procedure can also require time for planning, the actual time needed to complete the procedure is also way shorter.

Mini dental implants typically cost 1/2 or 1/4 of the cost of conventional dental implants. What’s even better is mini dental implants does not only cost less compared to their traditional counterparts, they are also less time-consuming and less disruptive to your normal routine.

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If you have experienced missing teeth, it is highly likely that you already have dental implants or your dentist has recommended it to you. Stable, robust, and permanent, dental implants (also known as teeth implants) are post or metal screws that are surgically placed into the jawbone. Once in place, replacement dental prosthesis are then mounted onto the implants.

Nowadays, dental implants are considered the most effective way to replace missing teeth (or more) and correct one’s smile. One amazing truth about dental implants is they’re designed to feel, perform, and look like the natural teeth. The American Dental Association considers dental implants as an excellent long-term option to restore one’s smile.

Debunking the Most Common Dental Implant Myths

The development as well as use of dental implants and osseointegration is deemed one of the biggest advances in dentistry in decades. However, while unfortunate to note, many myths and misconceptions about dental implants, teeth still abound until now.

In this article, we list down some of the most common dental implant myths and the truths behind them.

People will know you have a dental implant

Many people find it easy to spot dentures so spotting dental implants should be just as easy, right? Wrong! Dental implants look so much like the real teeth that no one will have an idea you have them until you say so.

Thanks to the translucent quality of the materials as well as the latest advancements in dental technology, your dental implants will look no different than your natural teeth. Not only that, dental implants are also designed to help ensure it won’t affect your face structure so no one will suspect you have dental implants.

You can get a new teeth in a day

This misconception can be traced to overzealous marketing, giving people the impression they can have their dental implants in a day. While it’s true that dental implants are placed in the patient’s mouth in a day, the entire implant process, including teeth, will require more than just a day.

Not everyone may be aware of it but the dental implant process involves consultation, scans or X-rays (when needed), implant preparation, and follow-up appointments. The process can help warrant that the patient is a good candidate for dental implants, teeth, and it is the best option available.

Only young people are ideal candidates for dental implants

There is definitely no truth to this. If anything, age is not a determining factor if someone is a good dental candidate or not. However, a few key factors including teeth will be looked into to gauge if someone is a good candidate for dental implants.

Some of the key factors that will be taken into account include health of the gum tissue, strength of the jaw bone, dental implant placement, and the patient’s overall health. As long as the patients ticks all the key requirements, they are deemed good candidates for the procedure.

The dental implant procedure is painful

If you’re a candidate for dental implants, you’d be delighted to know this is not true. If truth be told, dental implant surgery is carried out with nitrous oxide, anaesthesia, or sedation, whichever is best for the patient.

Patients who have undergone dental implants report they did not experience any pain during the entire procedure. While some experience a little tenderness after the dental implant surgery, it often goes away after taking over-the-counter pain medications. When needed, stronger pain relievers may be prescribed.

Dental implant surgery is very risky

While every dental implant surgery will involve some risk, it is reassuring to know it is very minimal. This might not be common knowledge but the overall success rate is actually at 95 to 98 percent so there is definitely nothing to worry about.

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