

Is colon cleansing good for you? Scientific research on colon cleansing is extremely limited.  There is no good evidence for most of the claims that its practitioners make. And the side effects can range from mild to severe.

What is a Natural Colon Cleanse and How Does It Work?

A natural colon cleanse is an effective way to detoxify your body naturally. It mainly aims to remove any accumulated feces from your colon and intestinal tract by using various methods. Colon cleansing is also referred to as colon therapy.

There are mainly two ways by which you can cleanse your colon (Cara Membersihkan Usus):

  • The first method involves taking supplements via your mouth or rectum to help your colon expel its contents completely. Such supplements are easily available in supermarkets, pharmacies, and other drugstores.

  • The second method is colon irrigation in which colon hydrotherapists perform colon irrigation by pumping out gallons of water via a small tube that is inserted into your rectum.

  • The third method is coffee enemas that are self-administered. But we recommend you consult with your naturopathic practitioner before implementing.

You can opt for any of these methods to cleanse your colon. However, since studies supporting this practice are limited, you can decide whether you want to go ahead with it or not after having a brief look at its potential benefits and risks.

What are the Benefits of a Natural Colon Cleanse?

A natural colon cleanse is believed to help in expelling undigested substances from your body. In the long run, such substances can turn toxic and have adverse effects on your health. Cleansing your colon enhances your vitality by:

  • Help you to lose weight

  • Improves the overall mental and physical health

  • Improves the functionality of the immune system

  • Reduces the risk of developing colon cancer

We will now look at some of the safest and easiest remedies to cleanse your colon naturally.

Home Remedies For Colon Cleansing

  1. Garcinia Cambogia

  2. Apple Juice

  3. Lemon Detox Drink

  4. Yogurt

  5. Apple Cider Vinegar

  6. Raw Vegetable Juice

  7. Sea Salt

  8. Ginger

  9. Magnesium Citrate

  10. Flaxseeds

  11. Aloe Vera Juice

  12. Supplements

  13. Baking Soda

  14. Coconut Oil

  15. Castor Oil

  16. Green Tea

  17. Cayenne Pepper

How about you, have you done your body a favor and done your natural colon cleansing to detoxify your body of toxins? How do you clean your intestine (Cara Membersihkan Usus)?

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Trigger finger is an excruciating condition that causes the finger or the thumb to catch or lock up when bent

Trigger finger is an excruciating condition that causes the finger or the thumb to catch or lock up when bent.

Also known as stenosing tenosynovitis, trigger finger occurs when the tendons in the finger or thumb becomes inflamed.

The tough tissue bands that connect the muscles and the bones are called tendons.

Together, the tendons and the muscles in the hands and arms bend and straighten the fingers and the thumbs.

Typically, the tendon will just easily glide through the tissue covering or the sheath because of the synovium.

It is the lubricating membrane surrounding the joint.

However, there will be instances when the tendon becomes inflamed and swollen.

When this happens, bending the finger or the thumb will pull the inflamed tendon through a tendon sheath that is already narrowed.

This would result to a snap or pop.

Depending on the severity, the treatment option can range from noninvasive options to trigger finger surgery.


Repeated movements and forceful use of the finger or thumb is often the culprit for trigger finger

Repeated movements and forceful use of the finger or thumb is often the culprit for trigger finger.

Rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and gout have also been associated with trigger finger.

There are several factors that increase one’s risk of developing the condition.

Some of the factors include the following:

  • Repeated gripping – occupations and hobbies that entail repetitive hand use and prolonged gripping.
  • Health problems – people with diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis are more at risk of developing trigger finger.
  • Sex – trigger finger is more common in women than in men.


Common symptoms of trigger finger include the following:

  • A bump or a nodule
  • Tenderness
  • Finger catching or locking
  • Difficulty or inability to straighten the affected finger
  • Finger is locked in bent position
  • Stiffness of the affected finger especially in the mornings
  • Popping and clicking sensation when the affected finger is moved


When diagnosing trigger finger, no elaborate testing is required.

Checking the medical history and a physical examination would often suffice.

During the examination, the patient will be asked to close and open the hand.

This is done so the doctor can easily check for signs of locking.

The physical examination will also allow the doctor to check for lumps, areas of pain, and smoothness of motion.

Lumps associated with trigger finger will move together with the finger since it is attached to the tendon.



NSAIDs or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen and naproxen) are often recommended to provide relief from pain.

However, NSAIDs won’t be able to relieve the inflammation and the swelling.


Noninvasive treatment approaches for trigger finger include the following:

  • Rest – patients whose hobbies or work entail prolonged grasping and repetitive gripping, resting for at least 3 to 4 weeks will be recommended.
  • Ice or heat – some individuals notice an improvement when icing the palm several times a day. Others on the other hand, observe an improvement when warm-water soaks are done first thing each morning.
  • Splint – splinting the affected finger for at least 6 weeks might be recommended to help ensure it stays in an extended condition.
  • Stretching exercises – in order to maintain mobility of the affected finger, doctors will most likely recommend gentle exercises.

Surgery and Other Procedures

For conditions that are severe and does not respond to conventional treatments, the following treatment routes might be suggested:

Percutaneous Release – after numbing the palm, the doctor will then insert a needle into the tissue in order to help break the constriction. This procedure is done under ultrasound so damage to the tendon and other nerves will be avoided.

Trigger Finger Surgery – the procedure is done by cutting open the constricted tendon sheath section through a small incision made in the base of the finger affected. This procedure is often carried out in the operating room.

Don’t put up with the pain and discomfort trigger finger brings. Visit www.bjios.sg to know how to effectively manage the condition and treat it for good.

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