The weakening of the hand and that of the middle finger and thumb can be attributed to a condition known as carpal tunnel syndrome.
Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve that passes along the carpal tunnel becomes compressed.
In essence, the carpal tunnel serves as a passageway of sorts for the tendons and ligaments of the hand.
The median nerve extends from the forearm to the thumb’s base.
When the median nerve becomes compressed due to the irritation or inflammation of the tendons or the ligaments, symptoms like swelling, numbness, loss of feeling, and pain will manifest.
When left unattended and untreated, carpal tunnel syndrome can get worse and might require carpal tunnel syndrome surgery to fix.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is considered one of the most common nerve disorders today especially now that people are spending more and more time in front of their computers.
Older people are also more likely to develop the condition as opposed to their younger counterparts. The condition is also more common in females than in males.
Since numbness of the fingers is often one of the primary symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, many people end up mistaking it for other hand disorders.
To ensure proper diagnosis is made, visiting the doctor would be recommended especially if the symptoms have been manifesting for quite some time. In severe cases, carpal tunnel syndrome surgery might be required.
For those who are not familiar with the condition, below are 5 essential facts about carpal tunnel syndrome:
- Several risk factors that can increase one’s chance of developing carpal tunnel syndrome has been identified. Some of these factors include sex (more common in women than in men), inflammatory conditions (rheumatoid arthritis), workplace factors (prolonged wrist flexing and repetitive hand movements), other medical conditions (kidney failure, menopause, obesity, thyroid problems, etc.).
- Carpal tunnel has many symptoms but some of the most common manifestations of the condition include pins-and-needles sensation, tingling, numbness and pain (often gets worse when affected hand is used), pain when bending the wrist or flexing, stiffness of the fingers (this symptom is especially noticeable in the mornings). In severe cases, some of the most prevalent symptoms of the condition can include numbness, weakness of the hand, fingers, or thumb, and reduced grip.
- Patients with carpal tunnel syndrome will often find it hard to perform even simple movements that involve using the hands like holding utensils or brushing the hair. There is also the tendency to drop objects more often than usual. Some patients also report pinch strength loss or the ability to pinch objects using the thumb and the first finger. In some cases of the condition, atrophy of the thumb’s muscles may also occur.
- While there are numerous possible causes for carpal tunnel syndrome, some of the most common are repetitive hand movements, irritated flexor tendons, and other existing medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, pregnancy, and hypothyroidism, among other things.
- While mild cases of carpal tunnel syndrome will not require carpal tunnel syndrome surgery, it is still imperative to have the condition checked so that proper assessment and treatment can be administered. If in case you feel certain symptoms like diminished thumb strength, tingling sensation, numbness, and pain, medical attention is necessary.
Carpal tunnel syndrome might seem harmless but it can get really bothersome without proper medical attention and treatment. To avoid carpal tunnel syndrome from escalating, visit now.