When it comes to vision and eye condition, everyone is not the same. Your vision may feel totally fine but this does not mean that you do not need to get them checked. Eye exam is not just for those who have prescription eyeglasses and poor vision. Many eye conditions do not have any signs or symptoms until you reach late stages. Through such exam an eye specialist can help you prevent eye complications from developing or worsening and could detect other health concerns such as diabetes or hypertension.
To make sure your eyes are healthy, you can take a comprehensive eye examination once every 2 years. But, for those who have existing eye conditions like refractive error (myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism), glaucoma, cataract, or diabetic retinopathy are advised to have a more frequent exam. The frequency of your review will be based on your eye specialist, so make sure to call them up to ask on the most appropriate review schedule.
There are chances when you will need to go to your eye doctor even if you are not yet set for an exam. In case you experience the following signs, don’t think twice and go to your optometrist or ophthalmologist:
Sudden appearance of visual disturbances
Another sign that you should not miss is when there is a sudden appearance of visual disturbances such as floaters or flashes of light. This could be a symptom of a serious vision-threatening disorder such as retinal detachment or retinal tear or hole. Once you feel this, seek immediate medical attention with an eye specialist within twenty-four hours or less.
Having a tough time focusing or blurring of vision
If you are having a tough time focusing or you experience immediate blurring of vision, these may be signs of a more serious health issue. Do take this seriously even if the blurry vision comes or goes, or only happens to 1 eye. Be sure to schedule an eye exam with an ophthalmologist or optometrist to determine if you will need prescription glasses or there are other underlying eye concerns responsible for that.
Gradual vision blurring
This sign gradually happens over time so some patient may simply ignore it. However, once you notice that your vision is not as sharp as before and you are having a hard time reading books or watching TV, it’s time to have your eyes checked. Patients with cataracts often present with this complain. With eye exam, your doctor can help you detect and cure the condition early.
Squinting is probably the most common and obvious sign that your vision is not as sharp as it is before. By squinting, you can reduce extraneous light entering your eye and it can reduce light scattering, making it easier to read or see objects. Squinting is often an early sign that one needs an eyeglasses or needs to have an eye exam.
Eye Pain, discomfort
Eye pain or discomfort should not be taken lightly.. It may be due to dry eye, seasonal allergies, eye infection or inflammation. But if it is an ongoing discomfort, it’s now a good idea to get it checked out by a specialist, as it can be treated by medicated eye drops.
Headaches or migraine
Sudden and frequent headaches are another sign of vision problem. It may be a warning sign to more serious condition such as glaucoma or tumor. Be sure to seek medical attention to rule out any serious ocular involvement.
Looking for a reliable eye specialist in Singapore? Visit Atlas Eye’s website for quality eye exams at reasonable rates.