Effective Ways to Take Care of Your Back

by allurewellness
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Back pain is a very common condition that it is likely to affect people at one point in their lives or another

Back pain is a very common condition that it is likely to affect people at one point in their lives or another.

Likely Causes

While unknown to many, the back is a very intricate structure made up of muscles, joints, bones, and nerves.

And because of its intricacy, finding the exact cause of the back pain is often extra challenging.

However, it is fortunate to note that most cases are not attributed to serious underlying illnesses.

Rather, injuries, minor sprains, strains, and sometimes, a pinched or irritated nerve have been identified as the most likely culprits.

If the pain is both persistent and severe however, visiting a back pain specialist would be highly recommended.

Other possible back pain culprits include:

  • Lifting and carrying of heavy objects
  • Slouching
  • Awkward twisting
  • Overstretching
  • Overusing the muscles
  • Repetitive movements
  • Pushing or pulling of heavy objects
  • Driving or sitting in a hunched position for a very long time
  • Awkward bending that lasts for sometime

In some cases, back pains can manifest without any apparent reason.

For those who want to play safe, seeing a back pain specialist should be considered a must.


While most cases of back pains are harmless and will disappear on their own eventually, there are also cases where the discomfort and the pain can become very severe.

When the back is examined, the patient’s ability to walk, sit, stand, and left the legs will be checked.

In majority of the cases, individuals suffering from back pain will also be asked regarding previous injuries and illnesses, type of work, and lifestyle.

Some of the probable questions the doctor will ask include:

  • Where is the pain’s exact location?
  • When did you first notice the pain?
  • What is it like?
  • What activities can make the pain better or worse?
  • Have you had back problems or any back injuries in the past?


One of the best ways to avoid back pain is to keep the back strong and supple

One of the best ways to avoid back pain is to keep the back strong and supple.

For starters, regular exercise, good posture, and lifting correctly can definitely help keep back pain at bay.

For individuals with recurring back pain, the following pointers may prove beneficial:

  • Avoiding drastic movements – this is done to help prevent muscle stress and strain.
  • Losing weight – extra weight especially in the upper body can put unnecessary strain and stress to the lower back. Losing the extra pounds would definitely do wonders for your back.
  • Staying active – regular exercise like walking and swimming are considered superb ways to prevent back pain.
  • Wearing of shoes with cushioned soles – this can help reduce strain on the back.


Without doubt, exercising is one of the many proven ways to help minimize and prevent pain in the back.

However, before starting any exercise program, checking with a doctor would be ideal.

Popular exercise disciplines like yoga and Pilates are considered beneficial in helping improve back flexibility and strength.

However, it is recommended that performing any of those exercises should be done under the guidance and watch of a qualified instructor so any likely injuries are avoided.

Some exercises that have been proven to help relieve and prevent back pain include:

  • Back extensions
  • Bottom to heels stretch
  • Knee rolls

Lifting and Carrying

One of the proven culprits of back injury is the incorrect lifting and handling of objects.

To prevent these types of injuries from happening, the following tips should be kept in mind:

  • Know the limit between what you can lift and what you can lift safely. Don’t shy away from getting help when necessary.
  • Ensure weight is distributed to both sides evenly when carrying shopping bags or luggage.
  • Maintain balance by ensuring feet are apart and one feet is slightly forward. Refrain from stooping or squatting.

If you experience severe and persistent back pain, checking with a back pain specialist is recommended. Visit www.bjios.sg for expert help.

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